Friday, July 30, 2010

Where are you, Mr Dopeyface?

Guess who I spent an hour and a half trampling today...

Andrew Hanson.

It was awesome. Be watching Yes We Canberra at 9.45 wednesdays on ABC1 or 9.15 Thursdays on ABC2 for the rerun.

It should be on at some point in the next 4 episodes, and failing that, it'll be an extra on the DVD.

The Week

Having returned to the loving fold of school, I'm back to writing The week.

Hells mother-expletiving yeah.

There was a thing involving Mentos wrappers on the fans. Long story there. I was absent at teh time. Anyway, the next day, when I was in attendance...
Soap: You're really fun on a sugar high [Sir]. We should get more mentos. Sorry, mento. There's only one.
Me: Wouldn't it be mentus?
Soap: Don't even go there.
Sir: Mentus is greek. It would be mentoi.

Sarah: Lustfuel.
She meant lustful. We think.

Horace: A girl, not of your sort, has captured the young man Telephus whom you seek, rich and lustful [this is where the lustfuel comes in], and she holds him chained in pleasant fetters.
Soap: Is he handcuffed.
Sir: *Pinches the bridge of his nose*

Sir [regarding the chariot of the sun, as part of a longish segue about Apollo]: The chariot of the sun is pulled by horses of flaming...
Me: Fire?

Sir: Cicero has two Cs. Ninja has two Ns. Perhaps it's a clever pseudonym.
Sarah: Adela has two As.
Me: I'm not a ninja *Shifty eyes*
Sir: Kafka has two As.
Me: I'm definitely not Kafka.

Sir invoked the name of Chuck Norris.
Soap: WHat would Chuck Norris do?
Me: What would Chuck Norris do... Probably roundhouse kick you, sir. In the face.

I know it's not much, but since I only have 6 hours of class time per week this term, it's all I can do.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Trawling the Bloggesphere

I've just been clicking on the little 'Next Blog' toggle on my page. Sweet expletiving deity, there are a lot of evangelicals out there.

On the upside: Annie Lennox. She's good. It's like ChickLit for your ears

Things I plan to read:

All of Mungo MacCallum's back catalogue
Artemis Fowl 7
...And Another Thing (the next Hitch-hiker's Guide book)
The Millennium Trilogy (I just haven't found the time)
The Gutenberg Bible (although the likelihood of that happening is roughly non-existent)

Here's hoping.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What to do?

Today is StuVac. Whilst my adorably frazzled friends frazzle them selves further by cramming for Trials, which begin tomorrow, I've been studying latin and being bored out of my brain. I'm actually starting to miss panicked study.

At least I have something to do tomorrow. There's a high school debating comp tommorrow at Sydney Uni, which a bunch of my debating buddies will be attending. St George was of course not invited, because let's be honest - debating at st G sucks numerous wangs. Simultaneously.

I will however be there because A: I have nothinb better to do, and B: I am now debating coach for the junior school.

I need to find something better to do with my time.

Monday, July 19, 2010

And Because I'm Fruity in the Head

I've changed an element of my blog page.

Guess what it is... ;)

That's right. It's so tricky I have a creepy smiley face.

Ho Hum

Today, as my school age friends will know, is the first day of term 3.

I was rather looking forward to today as I haven't had an actual day of school for about 10 weeks. I was going to have to leave early in order to get myself the 30 km to Westmead via off peak public transport (let's call that 1.5 hours on the conservative side) by 2.45, but today being a tuesday, I'd still be able to attend 7 (of my usual 12 on a tuesday) periods of class before having to leave in order to see if the discharge I've been enjoying over the past two weeks was permanent.

Long story short, mum decided there was no point in me going to school today, and so I spent the morning bumming around Usyd. I was sent to Fisher to look for some textbooks Sarah needed for Uni (it seems UNSW's library system just isn't as good), but the call numbers she had given me were incorrect. Way to fail there.

I did however borrow one of their copies of Girt By Sea: a Quarterly Essay by Mungo (Wentworth) MacCallum about the refugee crisis. I'd been meaning to read that for a while.

I then walked to Town Hall to look for an Angus and Robertson store so that I could use a voucher I'd had for ages. I was hoping to find a Gutenberg Bible journal similar to the one I got last week, but depicting a different print. The range there was shit to put in nicely. I instead bought 'Poll Dancing': MacCallum's review of the 2007 election.

So today hasn't been a total loss. I'll be blogging about the PolCom stuff once I've read it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

King Street and Broadway

I was at Usyd today, again.

Sarah, who is currently at the AMUNC conference, also at Usyd, realised once we had arrived at the uni that she lacked black flats, in which she would walk from the uni to Newtown, where the various committees of delegates were to be having dinner tonight.

Thus I was dispatched to get her the shoes before 5 pm.

To start with, I walked along King Street looking for Flying Penguin, which is the most fantastic toy store I have ever entered. It's so unspeakably cool. I got a voodoo doll phone charm. It's a brown dinosaur wearing glasses.

On my way back up King Street, I got a tube of silver paint at one of the art stores - I intend to pimp my Ukulele. It's going to be black with silver edging and iridescent bubbles painted on.

I also went to Vinnies. Good lord some of the stuff in there was tacky. I did however get a light blue cotton jumper (same jumper, different colour to the picture). Unfortunately, this means I can't wear them with my one pair of jeans, which are also light blue. I also got some sunglasses which make me look like my aunt Toby, but I'm cool with that.

I then went to Broadway. On the way there, I walked past victoria Park. It has the most fantastic playground I have seen in ages. There's a giant flying fox that you sit on, and a spherical spider's web, and one of those giant tilted dish thingies that you sit on and spin around and all sorts of other marvellous things. I'm totally planning to go for a play tomorrow when it's less damp.

At Broadway, I browsed Dymocks first, and got myself a notebook. It has a print of the Gutenberg bible on it, and the embellishments are 3D with metallic paint and all sorts of awesome illumination. And I got $5.50 off because I had points on my Dymocks card. I then got on with getting Sarah some crappy black flats from Cotton On.

As it turned out, the flats were one for $15 or two for $20, so I got myself a pair in silver. Because I like shiny things. I also got a 3pack of trashy mailpolish for 50c. The colours were black, pink and blue. The pink and blue ones were metallic, so I'm going to use them to paint the bubbles.

I then returned to the University and knitted for half an hour before I was able to give Sarah the shoes. I'm knitting gloves.

Sarah was so impressed with my $3.50 sunnies that I am to get a pair for Mimi to wear when on choir tour.

I did some marvellously fun shopping today. It was good.

Somewhat Dark Creative Visions

Next year, I will be entering the Royal Arts Show, again for calligraphy. This time, however, I'm planning to enter the 'Off the Wall' section; which is basically for 3D objects involving calligraphy.

My bright idea involves me making a music box, and then covering it with a calligraphised version of the Rammstein song 'Spieluhr'.

My only issue is where I'll be able to find ridiculously fine paintbrushes. One of my cousins reccommends those Games Workshop-type stores, but I'd like to avoid actually entering one of those if I can humanly manage it.

So... If anyone has an idea of where I could source them, I would be muchly greatful.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

And Now for an Addendum

On a whim, I decided to see when All Schools debating trials would be on. They were on the ANZAC Day weekend. Admittedly I was somewhat busy at the time (marching in the city and all) but it's not that difficult for our debatign co-ordinator to PUT AN ANNOUNCEMENT IN ROLL CALL SO WE COULD AT LEAST BE INFORMED OF THESE THINGS.

Dear god, is it that difficult to forward the emails you get from the NSWDU and the Arts Unit to the students who could benefit from them?

And I couldn't help but notice a certain Sydney Girls student was on the state team. I saw her at last year's state trials. And she is a markedly underwhelming debater. Seriously. The worst debater on my school team is still better than her.

I am thoroughly unimpressed.

Anger and Disappointment

Before I start my rant, I do realise that I'm blogging, which means that my lovely friends are about to be once again burdened with my whining. You guys know I love you.


As I'm sure you're all aware, I spent almost 8 weeks in hospital. As those who frequent my facebook page will know, I was discharged on monday. This is just background info to make the rest of my rant make more sense.

Since I haven't attended school in ages, I'm somewhat out of touch with the happenings. So I just found out that CHS debating trials are coming up. And I missed the deadline.

Let's be serious here. The debating and public speaking co-ordinators both know that I'm the best they've got (I know I'm blowing my own horn, but it's the truth), and yet I have only been entered in the competitions that I went to the effort of entering myself in.

Let's start with the Lions club Youth of the Year competition. Each school is eligible to enter two students. I was stonewalled by our bitch of a principal because my sheet of extra-curriculars was exponentially more impressive than that of our school captain. IT'S NOT MY FAULT I DO MORE THAN HER. I was somewhat platified however by the assurance that I would be entered in every other public speaking and debating thing that year.

Rostrum Voice of Youth: only the students who entered themselves without the input of the school were registered by the time the deadline came around. Thank heavens I was proactive.

Premier's Debating Challenge: I'm the reason my team has speeches at the end of the hour's prep. Enough said.


And now CHS debating trials. Each school is eligible to send three students. Apparently St George only sent one this year. NO MATTER WHO IT IS, I'M BETTER THAN HER. I'M THE BEST DEBATER THIS SCHO0OL HAS, AND IT KILLS ME THAT I'M NOT BEING ALLOWED TO ENTER THESE COMPETITIONS. IT'S RIDICULOUS.

I am the best this school has at talking. It sounds conceited, but there is no-one else at my school who can give a convincing ten minute speech on a topic she doesn't necessarily agree with or even know anything about, a topic which she was given without any time to prepare. I can debate without any preparation whatsoever, I write speeches that adjudicators love. I've had scholarship offers purely on the merit of my speaking ability.


I'm pissed off.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Next Post

I realise the photos didn't come up completely. Just click on them and you can see the whole thing :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Month in a Day

Day 1: Favorite actor(s)

Gaspard Ulleil (Hannibal Rising)

Dominic Cooper, Samuel Barnett, Jamie Parker (The History Boys)

Day 2: Favorite movie

The History Boys

Day 3: Favorite musician



The SCC. Oh wait... is that me in the picture they have on the website?
Hells yeah it is.

Matti Hyokki. Technically a composer, but what the hell. He's awesome.

Day 4: Favorite album

Anything by the above.

Day 5: Favorite book

How to be a Megalomaniac (Mungo McCallum) (I'm also quite a fan of Poll Dancing by the same author)

Day 6: Favorite food

Day 7: Favorite tv show

Day 8: Pictures of your room

Trust me. It's underwhelming.

Day 9: Picture of a flower in your favorite colour

Day 10: Favourite outfit

Jeans and Gumboots.

Day 11: Meme picture

I don't even know that that entails. I'm clearly not artsy enough.

Day 12: Favorite book quote

"A census taker tried to quantify me once. I ate his liver with Fava beans and a big Amarone."

Hannibal Lecter

Day 13: Favorite recipe

Recipes are for the weak.

Day 14: A childhood picture

Technically I was in year 10, but whatevvs.

Day 15: 2nd favorite movie

Day 16: Something that made you smile this day

Dude. That grammar is FAIL. But anyway:


Day 17: Favorite comic

Non Sequitur FTW

Day 18: Favorite board game

Day 19: A favorite memory

Morris: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Me: A human rights activist.

Morris: You'll get shot.

Thanks grandpa.

Day 20: A 10+ year old picture

Can't access them from this internet connection. Suffice to say I was adorable and blonde.

Day 21: Favorite movie quote

"Hello Clarice."

Hannibal Lecter.

Day 22: Favorite television quote

"I put it to you, Minister, that you are looking a Trojan Horse in the mouth."

Sir Humphrey Appleby

Day 23: Favorite animal

Tiger pigs.

Day 24: Something embarassing in your room

My Ukulele

Day 25: One of your most prized possessions

My Sousa

Day 26: A picture from one of the greatest days of your life

Save me.

Day 27: A picture of where you’re from

Don't go there.

Day 28: A drawing of you in the future

Or there.

Day 29: A picture of space

Get it?
Space :)

Day 30: Somewhere you want to visit



I don't like getting sick. I don't do it often either, generally only about once a year.

Which surprises me, as I've already been sick once this year.

I blame this unplanned illness on my recent hospital admission.

Having inhabited a germ-free environment for so long, my immune system had basically gone to shit. The moment I returned to the petri dish of infection known as my house, I got sick.

Damn and blast.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What The Expletive

I just friend requested someone on Facebook, and for the thing where you have to type the words shown to prove to the internet that you're not a robot, the words were 'cocksure' and 'the'.

What the expletive