Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ce Qu'a Passé Recennement

I would make such an amazing 1950s housewife. I knit, I sew, I bake; I can organise charity fundraisers like you wouldn't believe; I can write with exceeding prettiness; and I am totally HBIC.

For example, recently, I've been knitting a vest, the pattern for which I got off of the Vogue Knitting website (VogueKnits - my new favourite magazine). It's going to be pastel pink and Bitchen as.

The colour choice has apparently surprised some people (by whom I refer to my benchmates in rollcall, George and Taylor). This is because I looked through my closet recently and realised that I have very few colours when it comes to my clothing. The majority of my T-shirts are black, my jeans are dark, I have a grand total of 4 brightly coloured shirts, 3 of which are long sleeved, and of them, two of which are so low cut that I can only wear them in the depths of winter lest I sustain cleavage burn - an incredibly irritating area to get sunburnt.

This monochromaticism, combined with the fact that the suburban Soccer-Mum look is one that I seem to be able to pull off (Pam from TrueBlood is totally my style icon - although only with regard to what she wears that isn't made of black leather), has inspired me to get knitting. I haven't knitted and actual garment since I made a cardigan a couple of years ago ofer the course of two hospital admissions (a cardigan which, for the record, I have never worn, but which makes my sisters the envy of all their friends when they wear it. I don't see why, in my opinion it makes them look like a horizontally striped gumdrop from the eighties... but I digress) and so I decided to get back on the figurative horse, and return to knitting, this time using patterns that I like.

Also, with Sarah's (the one who continually gets referenced in The Week) 18th coming up, I knitted her a Dalek stuffed toy. It's about two feet tall, and replete with plunger, whisk and eye stalk. Not to mention, a hell of a lot better looking than the ones on the link. There are bound to be photos from Sarah's party, I'll upload one if I remember. I'll be making another one for Sophia (also of The Week) when her 18th rolls along.

Finally, with regard to knitting, I'm finishing off a fuzzy beanie for Koby, who soon after Formal will be heading off to America for a while, and being somewhere up north (Iowa I think??) will be neading much external warming paraphenalia. I had started some crazy bobbly socks, also c/o VogueKnits, but they've gone to the back burner, along with my white gloves, which I had initially made somewhat shoddily, so I undid them and started afresh. The second run of them is an improvement, but I probably won't be motivated to finish them before winter rolls around again. Perhaps I'll get them done in time for formal... No matter.

Just today, I got around to looking at the blog of my marvellously talented friend Anne. You can find it here. I heard that she had a blog after seeing the amazing nails she had created for Sam, and let me just say that she blows my skillz right out of the water. I mean I'm impressed with myself if I manage to paint my nails whilst not getting nailpolish on my skin. Dayumm.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your Dalek. The other photo looks so damn adorable (I'm not a Dr Who fan, sorry) :)

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