Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Wish I Had Old Skool Skillz

Today I made potato noodles, because thanks to Pesach and the bloody commemoration of the fact that the Jews left Egypt in such a hurry they didn't even have time for their bread to rise blah blah *expletive pertaining to inappropriate acts being perpetrated against ones mother* blah, you're not allowed to use anything involving wheat flour which could come into contact with moisture thus prompting leavening, which is verboten etc.

It doesn't seem logical to me either, but moving on.

Basically potato noodles involve beaten egg mixed with potato starch which is dissolved in water which creates a yellowish liquid which is then cooked in the same manner as a crepe before being sliced into noodle shapes and used.

Apparently my paternal grandmother Sarah was mad insanely gun when it came to making potato noodles.

I don't think I was met with the same kind of success.

As any of you who have added water to any kind of starch will know, this produces a mysterious solid/liquidy thing which compacts whenever you try to stir it, which means it's a bitch to hydrate. It's kind of like glue, but harder to work with.

The ensuing mixture, when cooked, has a texture rather similar to what you would assume - it's like egg coloured glue. They even taste rather like egg coloured glue. Or at least what I assume egg coloured glue would taste like.

Perhaps this is how it was meant to turn out, but somehow I doubt it.

If I were a Jewish Polish girl in the 1950s, my marriage prospects would be shot.

I hate religious festivals.


  1. Did you watch The Colbert Report on Tuesday? He started talking about Pesach and was all "I'm leaving a spot at the table...for Elijah...oh wait, you say he's not coming? *hisses* HE DOES THIS TO ME EVERY YEAR!"

    I think you would have appreciated it.

  2. I missed it. Which is a bummer because I love Jew humour.
