Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I have a long and colourful history with my dentist, stemming from when she spent five unanaesthetised hours reimplanting my teeth into my damaged jaw, making caps to replace all the bits that snapped off, and then splinting the resulting mishmash of tooth, fibreglass and high calcium concrete together.

This was continued when she had to replace one of those caps earlier this year (on my birthday, if I may add) because it had been sealed incorrectly and was starting to have problems.

And I have a feeling it's going to be furthered because I'm getting a new tooth.

I first noticed it a few weeks ago when I realised I had a strange lump under my gum behind the back molar in quadrant 4. A few weeks later, there's a tooth starting to erupt.

I've had all my adult teeth since I was somewhere in the vicinity of age eleven. That means this tooth can only be one thing. A wisdom tooth.

I'm seventeen years old (technically seventeen years, one month and ten days, but who's quibbling). I AM WAY TOO YOUNG FOR WISDOM TEETH.

I am unimpressed. Jaw, way to fuck me over again.

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