Sunday, July 11, 2010

Somewhat Dark Creative Visions

Next year, I will be entering the Royal Arts Show, again for calligraphy. This time, however, I'm planning to enter the 'Off the Wall' section; which is basically for 3D objects involving calligraphy.

My bright idea involves me making a music box, and then covering it with a calligraphised version of the Rammstein song 'Spieluhr'.

My only issue is where I'll be able to find ridiculously fine paintbrushes. One of my cousins reccommends those Games Workshop-type stores, but I'd like to avoid actually entering one of those if I can humanly manage it.

So... If anyone has an idea of where I could source them, I would be muchly greatful.


  1. Dymocks on George St is having a massive sale. 25% all brushes. Try a round size 0 for watercolours/gouache/acrylic, they're the finest. Or you could go to Eckersley's or Oxford Art Supplies.

  2. How much do you like Rammstein?

  3. Thanks YY.
    Gaby: some of their stuff is alright. I just can't be bothered finding some John Donne or other such poetry.
