Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today in english, I was seized with the idea of writing fake urban dictionary meanings to random words and phrases I came up with. Since we're studying Frankenstein, they're all themed somewhat similarly.
I'll give the WORD (part of speech) Definition
use in a sentence and/or other tidbits

Let's start with FRANKENDICKHEAD (n) Someone who forces adolescents to study Frankenstein against their will.
My english teacher is such a Frankendickhead

FRANKENEYE (n) When someone burst a capillary in their eye resulting in a dirty great red patch below their iris which everyone focuses on whenever that person happens to look anywhere, thus distracting everyone.
Holy CRAP! Check out Mr Turner's Frankeneye

FRANKENFAIL (v) When the girl who sits next to you in english forgets her copy of Frankenstein for a few weeks running.
Yvette Frankenfailed again.

FRANKENPHRASE (n) A statement which is self glorifying to the point where people are tempted to be violent towards you.
Where does Victor Frankenstein get all these Frankenphrases from? I feel tempted to murder him every time he opens his mouth.

FRANKENSEX (v) To engage in intercourse with someone whom you've always thought of as faimly, but who thankfully isn't actually related to you.
All this Frankensex is really weirding me out.

FRANKENBABY (n) Somethign you threw together with whatever happened to by lying around within reach.
"What's in the casserole?"
"Oh, it's a Frankenbaby."

FRANKENFRIENDSHIP (gerund) 'Real manly men' who have a friendship so close that you'd assume there was a little bit of courtly man-love going on on the side.
All this Frankenfriendship is also weirding me out.

FRANKENFAMILY (n) A way of forcing women into being nurturers and the producers of progeny.
The FLDS is a great example of Frankenfamily.

KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR (n) A man who clearly doesn't fight hard enough in battle, otherwise he's be dented and covered in gore, not to mention a bit tarnished."He's her knight in shining armour."
"What a ponce."
"I reckon."

FRANKENFATHERHOOD (gerund) Abandoning your child because it's ugly.
Holy expletive that kid's ugly. I can't believe its parents haven't gone and Frankenfatherhooded it.

BLADERUNNER (n) A great big segway which takes an english class off topic.
"That was an effective Bladerunner."
"I know right? We didn't do any work all double."

FRANKENPATERNITYSUIT (n) When the child you abandoned whilst practicing your Frankenfatherhood comes after you demanding that you recognise it as your progeny.
"What's this?"
"It's a Frankenpaternitysuit, you Frankendickhead. Maybe you shouldn't have been such a Frankenfather."

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